Dr. Christine Rose
Facebook Community
I know what it feels like to feel caught in the hamster wheel of working in the healthcare industry. Shift work can be grueling and monotonous, and fatigue is a cancer that can seep into our bodies quietly and insidiously, wreaking havoc on our internal systems that keep us regulated and balanced. And once you get to that place, it can be nearly impossible to change course.
We all watched as nurses and myriad other frontline healthcare professionals became overnight heroes during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the recognition still hasn’t translated to actual, improved material conditions for our industry. The lesson remains clear: we have to take care of ourselves because no one else will do it for us.
Join The Community
Join The Community -
I remember my early days of nursing wondering,
“who can I turn to for help?”
There are so many questions that may be running through your mind right now:
Why am I tired all the time?
How do I manage this stress that I’m feeling?
Why am I being passed over for promotions?
How do I get ahead?
Why do I feel like I’m failing?
These questions can feel daunting. That’s why I emphasize the need for community within the healthcare industry. We need each other. We can work together to transform the reputation of nursing and healthcare from cutthroat and cold to one that truly embodies the mission of our work: to provide care. The Dr. Christine Rose Facebook Community is just that. A centralized hub of learning opportunities and support from like-minded industry peers, this group will offer vital educational resources such as weekly Live sessions focused on career, health and wellness, daily live meditations and affirmations, special guest speakers, and breakout wellness sessions.
A safe space to land is critical for your elevation of self and career. This community will provide the same tools that I have personally used to improve my health, complete my doctorate, get out of debt, and ultimately find balance in my life so I could make my own dreams come true.